Zurich (سويسرا) - information for visitors and tourists

Switzerland Travel and Visa Information

International Airports

All international airports in Switzerland are used for international flights, as well as for local and charter flights.

  • Zurich Airport - https://www.zurich-airport.com/
    24-hour flight information telephone service can be reached daily on the following number for enquiries relating to your flight: +41 43 816 22 11
    Global flights to/from Zurich
    8058 Zurich-Flughafen · +41 43 816 22 11
  • Geneva Airport - https://www.gva.ch/en/
    International airport
    1215 Geneva · +41 22 717 71 11


Switzerland has an extensive and efficient rail network that connects major cities and regions. High-speed trains like the TGV Lyria offer rapid travel between Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne, and cities such as Paris and Milan. Domestic trains operated by SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) connect Zurich, Geneva, Basel, and other cities. Regional trains provide access to smaller towns and scenic countryside areas.

From Geneva, there are boat trips on Lake Geneva, offering picturesque views of the city's landmarks including the Jet d'Eau, the United Nations Office, and the historic Old Town.

General Information


The electricity is 230 V, 50 Hz. Visitors from Japan, the UK, the USA, and other countries should note that Switzerland uses type C and J plugs. Ensure you have the appropriate adapter for your devices.

Foreign Exchange, Banking Facilities

The official currency in Switzerland is the Swiss franc (CHF). Major credit cards are accepted in establishments displaying the emblem at the entrance. Currency exchange booths are available at airports, railway stations, travel agencies, banks, and various city locations. Exchange rates may vary. Traveller’s cheques and convertible currency can be exchanged at these facilities. ATMs are widely available for cash withdrawals using credit or debit cards.

Liability and Insurance

Conference organizers generally do not accept liability for personal accidents, loss of belongings, or damage to private property of participants and accompanying persons during the meeting. Participants are advised to arrange for their own health, travel, and property insurance before departure to the conference.


The international code for Switzerland is +41.


Switzerland is in the Central European Time Zone (GMT+1). During summer months, clocks are set to GMT+2.


Switzerland experiences a temperate climate with distinct seasons. Winters (December to February) are cold, especially in the mountainous regions, with temperatures often below freezing and ample snowfall, making it a prime destination for winter sports. Summers (June to August) are warm and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 28°C (64°F to 82°F), ideal for hiking and outdoor activities. Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are generally mild, with varying levels of rainfall and beautiful natural scenery. The weather can be unpredictable, so it’s advisable to check the forecast before traveling.

For the latest weather updates, visit weather.com.

Travel & Visa

Visa and Customs Information

Switzerland is not a member of the European Union (EU), but it has bilateral agreements with the EU and is part of the Schengen Area. These agreements allow Switzerland to align many of its regulations with those of the EU, but it does not adopt all EU customs regulations.

Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area, which includes 26 European countries. For non-Schengen EU, USA, and Canadian citizens, a valid passport is sufficient to enter the country. Citizens of other countries should check whether a visa is needed for entry. On request, the Organizing Committee may issue invitation letters for visa applications. Apply for a visa well in advance if necessary. Please indicate during registration if you need a personal invitation to attend the conference. A visa grants preliminary permission for entry but does not automatically authorize entry to the country.

احجز فندقك في Zurich

تنويه: نحن نهدف إلى توفير المعلومات الصحيحة والموثوقة حول الأحداث القادمة، لكن لا يمكن أن نقبل المسؤولية عن نص الإعلانات أو حسن نية منظمي الحدث. لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا إذا لاحظت معلومات غير صحيحة أو مضللة وسنحاول تصحيحها.