The conference program includes research symposia, workshops, project exhibitions and panel discussions that will provide an in-depth engagement with topics and issues interest to delegates.We seek contributions from all interested local and international academia, graduate/postgraduate and industrial participants who involved in the advancement of innovative technologies and applications of Operations Management (OM) & Industrial Engineering (IE) methods related to Production / Manufacturing and Service systems.
Conference Tracks: Behavioral Operations Management BOM
Closed Loop Supply Chains CLSC
Data Science DSC
Economics Models in Operations Management EMO
Elections Management ELM
Emerging Topics in Operations Management GEOM
Empirical Research in Operations Management ERO
Energy Supply Chains ENR
Environmental Operations Management EOM
Finance and Operations Management FOM
Global Supply Chain Management GSCM
Healthcare Analytics HCA
Healthcare Operations Management HOM
Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management HOCM
Information Systems and Operations Management ISOM
Inventory Management INVM
Manufacturing Operations MANF
Marketing and Operations Management MOM
Next Generation Operations: Data Analytics, Blockchains, Additive Manufacturing, Health and Responsibility NGO
Operational Excellence OEX
Operations and Sports Management OSM
Panels & Meetings MEET
POM in Food and Agriculture PAG
POM in Practice PPR
Product Innovation and Technology Management PITM
Public Sector Operations Management PSOM
Purchasing and Supplier Management PSM
Retail Operations RO
Revenue Management and Pricing RMP
Scheduling and Logistics SCHL
Service Operations SOM
Social Media and Internet of Things SMA
Socially Responsible Operations SRO
Supply Chain Analytics SCA
Supply Chain Management SCM
Supply Chain Risk Management SCR
Sustainable Operations SUST
Teaching/Pedagogy in POM TPOM