The main goal of these Etats de la recherche is to review some of the most recent spectacular developments in algebraic, analytic and arithmetic dynamics. Covered themes will include a variety of problems related to the iteration of rational maps on algebraic varieties as well as the study of their dynamical moduli spaces. Depending on the structure of the ambient field over which these maps are defined, methods may vary drastically. Over the field of complex numbers, one speaks of holomorphic dynamics in which quasi-conformal deformations play a key role. The case of maps defined over general metrized fields have led to the developments of dynamics over Berkovich spaces. One can also consider maps over number fields whose study lies at the core of arithmetic dynamics. Interactions between these various fields have deepened in the recent years. Complex pluripotential theory combined with tools from arithmetic geometry has been used to prove equidistribution results with applications to problems of unlikely intersection, and to explore dynamical moduli spaces and their special varieties. Methods in p-adic analysis and from the minimal model program have revolutionized our understanding of groups of birational transformations. Non-archimedean dynamics has been turned into a very efficient tool to analyze degeneration problems in holomorphic dynamics.