The NuDM-2024 Conference organized by Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services from the UK in collaboration with Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt, follows in the footsteps of NDM-2020 and NuDM-2022. Its primary objective is to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions surrounding particle physics phenomenology, astrophysical signatures, and experimental constraints pertaining to neutrinos, dark matter, and dark energy, alongside exploring potential connections between them.
Topics: Models of Neutrinos masses and mixing Neutrino Physics and cosmology BSM and Heavy/Sterile neutrinos Neutrino oscillation experiments Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments New ideas on lepton number conservation WIMP phenomenology Freeze-in Dark matter Dark matter and its detections Dark matter searches at the LHC Dark matter and Modefied Gravity Neutrinos and Dark Energy Dark Matter and Dark Energy