The main objectives of the “Crystallography and Large Facilities” thematic school are to acquire the theoretical foundations of crystallography, its methods, and the use of software to solve and refine crystal structures. At the Master 2 level, it is aimed at PhD students, post-docs, engineers, researchers, and current or potential users of large-scale facilities (synchrotron or neutron sources) who feel the need to “reconnect” with the fundamentals of crystallography and wish to obtain a state-of-the-art overview of the possibilities offered by different experimental methods. All fields of crystallography are covered. As in previous editions, in the 5-day course, the theoretical aspects will be complemented by tutorials, enabling students to get to grips with applications quickly and to link their training with their research work. The participation of teachers from SOLEIL, LLB and leading laboratories specializing in crystallography (IMPMC in Paris, LPS in Orsay, CRM2 in Nancy) is a guarantee of the quality of the courses.
Topics: The 9th edition of École Cristallographie et Grands Équipements (CGE) school will take place at the SOLEIL synchrotron site in Saint-Aubin from November 4th to 8th, 2024.