NSDI'25 — 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation

Dates : 28 avril 2025 » 30 avril 2025

Délai de soumission : 12 septembre 2024

Lieu : Philadelphia, Pennsylvanie

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Organisateur : USENIX Association

Domaine : Informatique; Software Engineering
Mathématiques et Statistiques; Sciences de l'ingénieur; Informatique;
Mots-clé:: Machine Learning, Design, Energy, Virtualization, Big Data, Security and Privacy, Distributed systems, Networking
Description :

NSDI focuses on the design principles, implementation, and practical evaluation of networked and distributed systems. Our goal is to bring together researchers from across the networking and systems community to foster a broad approach to addressing overlapping research challenges.


NSDI invites any innovative solution for a significant problem involving networked systems, including topics from within the following list:

  • Highly available and reliable networked systems
  • Security and privacy of networked systems
  • Distributed storage, caching, and query processing systems
  • Sustainable, low-energy, and low-carbon networked systems
  • Cloud/multi-tenant systems
  • Mobile and embedded/sensor applications and systems
  • Systems aspects of networking hardware and physical layer communication technologies*
  • Network and workload measurement systems
  • Self-organizing, autonomous, and federated networked systems
  • Managing, debugging, and diagnosing problems in networked systems
  • Virtualization and resource management for networked systems
  • Experience with deployed networked systems
  • Networked systems for big data
  • Testing and/or verification applied to networked systems
  • Networked systems for machine learning (ML) and ML for networked systems

USENIX Association organise son événement intitulé NSDI'25 — 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation se tiendra du 28 avril 2025 au 30 avril 2025 en Philadelphia, PA, États-Unis. Il couvre divers domaines de Informatique, y compris Software Engineering. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web de la conférence ou contactez l'organisateur.
Ajouter au calendrier 2025-04-28 2025-04-30 Europe/London NSDI'25 — 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation https://www.sciencedz.net/fr/conference/108630-nsdi-25-mdash-22nd-usenix-symposium-on-networked-systems-design-and-implementation Philadelphia, PA - États-Unis USENIX Association

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