AWE Asia 2024

Dates : 26 août 2024 » 28 août 2024

Lieu : Singapore

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Organisateur : AWE

Domaine : Informatique; Developer, Platforms & AI, XR Enablement, Gaming, Entertainment & Media, Web3, Creators
Mathématiques et Statistiques; Sciences de l'ingénieur; Informatique; Economie; Santé et Médecine;
Mots-clé:: Artificial Intelligence, Design, Technology, Blockchain, Computing, World Wide Web, E-commerce, Economics, Health
Description :

Content Tracks

XR Enablement
A comprehensive look at the technologies that are enabling the spatial computing ecosystem to mature. Topics will include: AR cloud, 5G, generative AI, computer vision, SLAM, motion capture, display technology, semi-conductors, optics, audio, and projection mapping.

Developer, Platforms & AI
Featuring the work of developers across different platforms, highlighting the use cases, capabilities and shortcomings of today’s SDKs, as well as tutorials on the best platforms for building XR applications and virtual worlds. Also examines artificial intelligence, including generative AI, in XR, avatars, virtual beings, holograms, and the current and future generations of digitally-created “humans”.

Enterprise & Industrial
Featuring case studies of the different XR applications being used across all industry verticals to help improve safety, security, training, efficiency, reduce errors, and increase the bottom-line.

Healthcare, Wellness & Society
Demonstrating the myriad ways XR is being used to improve physical and mental health and wellness. Also adopts a broader focus on the topic of XR impact on society as well as how we can use XR for good.

Retail, Advertising & E-Commerce
Exploring the ways brands are leveraging XR and AI-enabled virtual beings for increased engagement, sales, and personalization in both E-commerce and brick-and-mortar operations.

Gaming, Entertainment & Media
Showcasing how next-gen gaming, film and television, sports, and location-based attractions are leveraging XR in both the digital and physical domains.

Web3, Creators, & Creator Economy
Examining use cases, best practices, UX design considerations, and the ways creators can monetize their content. Exploring topics such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, digital ownership and token-based economics related to the Metaverse - the new iteration of the World Wide Web.

AWE organise son événement intitulé AWE Asia 2024 se tiendra du 26 août 2024 au 28 août 2024 en Singapore, Singapour. Il couvre divers domaines de Informatique, y compris Developer, Platforms & AI, XR Enablement, Gaming, Entertainment & Media, Web3, Creators. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web de la conférence ou contactez l'organisateur.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-08-26 2024-08-28 Europe/London AWE Asia 2024 Singapore - Singapour AWE

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