Solving time-harmonic wave equations with iterative methods is very challenging because they combine multiple difficulties like e.g. highly oscillatory solutions and complex non-Hermitian and indefinite discrete operators. In addition, the wave number associated to the numerical solution is different from the one of the exact solution thus leading to so-called numerical dispersion which requires very fine mesh to be controlled. There exists numerical schemes designed to reduce the dispersion error where the most used technique to build them relies on stencils involving free parameters that are next obtained by numerically minimizing the dispersion error. In the past few years, we develop an alternative approach called asymptotic dispersion correction. The latter is based on the introduction of a perturbation of the wavenumber (the shift) in the numerical scheme. We then explicitly compute the shift that minimizes the dispersion error for small enough meshsize. In addition, we show that our method can be applied to any finite difference scheme and reduces the relative error. We emphasize that most of works dealing with dispersion reducing methods consider the Helmholtz equation. The goal of the Research in Residence is to extend the asymptotic dispersion correction to the convected Helmholtz equation that can be used to model time-harmonic wave propagation in a moving flow.