WCA1 — Two-days workshop on combinatorics and its applications

Dates : 10 septembre 2024 » 11 septembre 2024

Lieu : Tehran

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Organisateur : Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training university

Mathématiques et Statistiques; Sciences de l'ingénieur; Informatique;
Mots-clé:: Algebra, Combinatorics, Cryptography, Graph Theory, Group Theory, Mathematics, Probability, Design
Description :

One of the important and widely used branches of mathematics that has a direct connection with almost all other branches of mathematics and sciences is combinatorics. Combinatorics is the mathematics related to patterns. It's the mathematics that helps us design computer networks, create or decode computer codes and security, determine the probability of social and economic phenomena, and arrange different types of atoms together to form a specific molecule. Therefore, the application domain of this branch is very extensive, especially in mathematics and computer science.

Topics: Group theory and combinatorics, Algebraic graph theory, Biological mathematics, Computatinal algebra, Chemical graph theory, Coding theory and cryptography, Network theory and its applications

WCA1 — Two-days workshop on combinatorics and its applications se tiendra en Tehran, Iran entre le 10 septembre 2024 et 11 septembre 2024.L'événement est organisé par Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training university. Il couvre des domaines spécifiques de Mathématiques et Statistiques comme 0. Visitez le site web de la conférence pour des informations plus détaillées ou contactez l'organisateur pour des questions spécifiques.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-09-10 2024-09-11 Europe/London WCA1 — Two-days workshop on combinatorics and its applications https://www.sciencedz.net/fr/conference/112789-wca1-two-days-workshop-on-combinatorics-and-its-applications Tehran - Iran Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training university

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