RESEARCH SCHOOL — Physics and Mathematics of hydrodynamic and wave turbulence

Dates : 26 mai 2025 » 30 mai 2025

Lieu : CIRM (Marseille Luminy)

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Organisateur : CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques

Mathématiques et Statistiques; Physique;
Mots-clé:: Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, Physics
Description :

The school will introduce participants to several hot research topics at the frontier between geophysical fluid dynamics, fundamental physics and mathematics. The main themes will be spontaneous stochasticity, waves in geophysical and astrophysical fluids and fundamental challenges in hydrodynamic and wave turbulence. The school will consist of several lecture series, plus a number of research seminars, covering mathematical, theoretical and experimental aspects. The school is organized in the framework of an international collaboration which started in 2019 and which is financially supported by the Simons Foundation ( This “Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence” brings together physicists and mathematicians with the aim of addressing fundamental questions about the Wave Turbulence theory and its applicability to real systems and especially to the Earth climate system.

CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques organise son événement intitulé RESEARCH SCHOOL — Physics and Mathematics of hydrodynamic and wave turbulence se tiendra du 26 mai 2025 au 30 mai 2025 en CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France. Il couvre divers domaines de Mathématiques et Statistiques, y compris 0. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web de la conférence ou contactez l'organisateur.
Ajouter au calendrier 2025-05-26 2025-05-30 Europe/London RESEARCH SCHOOL — Physics and Mathematics of hydrodynamic and wave turbulence CIRM (Marseille Luminy) - France CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques

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Conférences et séminaires en Mathématiques et Statistiques
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Conférences et séminaires en Mathématiques et Statistiques en France
Conférences et séminaires en Mathématiques et Statistiques en France en 2025
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