The International Joint Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond 2024/3rd Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Astroparticle Physics takes place on 9-13 Dec 2024 at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, hosted by the Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology. It will bring together theorists to discuss current ideas on models of the dark sector of the Universe and to relate them to discuss recent developments in particle physics, cosmology and astroparticle physics in the context of testing the Standard Model (SM) and searches for new physics beyond the SM (BSM). The joint workshop will provide opportunities for collaboration between researchers from different institutes, and help young researchers better promote themselves in the community.
Topics: particle physics, axions, dark matter, neutrino physics, flavour physics, Higgs physics, gravitational waves as probes for new physics, early universe cosmology, astroparticle physics