Topics: Course overview This course will focus on the latest state-of-the-art novel library preparation protocols. We will start with experimental design, focusing on hands-on library preparation (including best practices, standards, and potential pitfalls), concluding with sequencing of libraries, bioinformatic evaluation & best practices. Multiomic data in scientific projects have become more and more important. NicE-Seq is a novel method enabling detection of open chromatin in fixed low numbers of cells without any additional instrumentation. Combining open chromatin with transcriptome information is crucial for interpretation of cellular states. Therefore, the course participants will also prepare mRNA libraries from the same cell populations. Participants will carry out a complete workflow, from isolation of DNA & RNA from fixed cells, library preparation for both applications and shallow sequencing. The course will discuss alternative novel approaches, various cell fixatives and their impact on analysis. In addition, we will cover basic bioinformatic tools required for data processing, quality control and initial data analysis. Beside the practical exercises, lectures and discussion sessions, the course will offer the opportunity to learn more about transferring the knowledge gained during the course to the participants’ home institu