Conférences et séminaires

Conférences et séminaires Computational Mathematics (Total 14, Page 1 / 1)

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Robust Optimization and Simulation of Complex Stochastic Systems

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Mathématiques et Statistiques Probability and Statistics, Game Theory

Computational Learning for Model Reduction

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Mathématiques et Statistiques Modeling and Simulation

Patterns, Dynamics, and Data in Complex Systems

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Mathématiques et Statistiques Applied Maths: Dynamic Systems, Control and Automation

Follow-Up Workshop — Multiscale Problems: Algorithms, Numerical Analysis and Computation

Bonn, Allemagne
Mathématiques et Statistiques Applied Maths: Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Computational Mathematics

Dagstuhl-Seminar — From Sparse Interpolation to Signal Processing: New Synergies

Schloss Dagstuhl – Wadern, Allemagne
Mathématiques et Statistiques Applied Maths: Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Computational Mathematics

Theory, Methods, and Applications of Quantitative Phylogenomics

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Biologie et sciences de la vie Systems Biology and Computational Biology

Current Methods and Open Problems in Mathematical and Statistical Phylogenetics

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Biologie et sciences de la vie Systems Biology and Computational Biology

Computational Multiscale Methods

Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathématiques et Statistiques Applied Maths: Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Computational Mathematics

Singularities in Discrete Systems

Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathématiques et Statistiques Applied Maths: Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Computational Mathematics

Simulating Extreme Spacetimes with SpEC and SpECTRE

Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis
Physique Computational Physics and Numerical Simulation



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