Conférences et séminaires

Conférences et séminaires Engineering (Total 356, Page 1 / 18)

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2025 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (CEICE 2025)

Guangzhou, Chine
Sciences de l'ingénieur Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering

OSDI'25 — 19th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation

Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis
Informatique Software Engineering, Operating Systems

SREcon25 Europe/Middle East/Africa

Dublin, Irlande
Informatique systems engineering, distributed systems

14th Injectables Summit

Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis
Sciences de l'ingénieur Engineering

5th International Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering

Sarawak, Malaisie
Informatique Computer software and applications

International Conference on Electrical, Communications, Computer Software & Engineering, 2024

Malacca, Malaisie
Informatique Computer software and applications

14th International Conference on Computer Software, Engineering and Applications, 2024

Tainan, Taïwan
Informatique Computer software and applications



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