Conférences et séminaires

Conférences et séminaires Philosophy (Total 12, Page 1 / 1)

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Contested & Erased ENERGY Knowledges

Edinburgh, Scotland, Royaume-Uni
Sciences sociales et humaines Philosophy

Modern history of mathematics: emerging themes

Cambridge , Royaume-Uni
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Modern History of Mathematics: Looking Ahead

Cambridge , Royaume-Uni
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

PLM7 — Seventh Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Conference

Prague, République Tchèque
Informatique Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics

The Making of the Humanities XI

Lund, Suède
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

DofAP — 20th Days of Applied Psychology

Nis, Serbie-et-Monténégro
Santé et Médecine Psychology

International Colloquium on Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu

Lille, France
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

21st STS Forum Japan

Kyoto, Japon
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

On the Trails of Mathematics: Cecylia Krieger-Dunaj and Her successors

Będlewo, Pologne
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology



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