HSRCongress is a biannual three-day congress dedicated to basic, industrial and clinical biomedical research organized by Doctoral Students’ and Non-Doctoral Research Fellows’ Committee (CADBI) of Health Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UBI, in fusion process to become RISE-Health). This event will highlight the latest research and bring together national and international biomedical researchers and stakeholders, encouraging the development of new collaborations and new science-driven questions. Also, given its multidisciplinary, HSRCongress is a unique opportunity for young researchers to take their first steps in the scientific community.
Topics: Topic 1 – Identification of molecular mechanisms underlying disease onset and progression Topic 2 – Identification of therapeutic targets Topic 3 – Development of novel drugs, biopharmaceuticals and biomaterials with therapeutic applications Topic 4 – Development and/or improvement of delivery systems Topic 5 – Development and/or improvement of diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring tools