This practical course will equip you to enhance your day-to-day, Office GYN practice with relevant, important procedures and therapies that are easy to master, comfortable to incorporate and consistently reimbursable. You will also upgrade your skills and clinical approach to meet the needs of your gynecologic patients. This course will also educate you about offering comprehensive, up-to-date information and services that will expand your gynecologic practice while making it more enjoyable and rewarding for you. Whether solo or practicing in a group, this course will change the way you practice medicine.
Topics: Menopause, Cervical Cancer, Vasomotor, Contraception, Obesity, Pregnancy, Urogynecology, Breast, Pelvis, Gynecology, Women's Health, Genitourinary Syndrome, Female, Holistic, Estrogen, General Health, CME, Live, Conference, Survival Skills, OBGYN,