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Zarqa, Jordânia
Matemática e Estatística applied mathematics , pure mathematics , statistics , Algebraic Geometry Algebraic Topology Approximation Theory Calculus of Variations Category Theory; Homological Algebra Coding Theory Combinatorics Control Theory Cryptology & Geometry Difference & Functional Equations Discrete Mathematics Dynamical Systems & Ergodic Theory Field Theory & Polynomials Fluid Mechanics & Solid Mechanics Fourier Analysis Functional Analysis Functions of a Complex Variable Fuzzy Mathematics Game Theory General Algebraic Systems Graph Theory Group Theory & Generalizations Image Processing, Signal Processing & Tomography Information Fusion Integral Equations Lattices & Algebraic Structures Linear & Multilinear Algebra; Matrix Theory Mathematical Biology & Other Natural Sciences Mathematical Economics & Financial Mathematics Mathematical Physics Measure Theory and Integration Neutrosophic Mathematics Number Theory Numerical Analysis Operations Research & Optimization Operator Theory Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations Potential Theory Real Functions Rings and Algebras Statistical Mechanics & Structure Of Matter Topological Groups Wavelets & Wavelet Transforms
CIRM (Marseille Luminy), França
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory
Online, Suíça
Matemática e Estatística Algorithmic and Computational Game Theory, Experimental Game Theory, Applied Game Theory, Learning and Evolution In Games, Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game Theory
Oberwolfach, Alemanha
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory
Wrocław, Polónia
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory
Oberwolfach, Alemanha
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory
Salzburg, Áustria
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory
Boston, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos
Matemática e Estatística Probability and Statistics, Game Theory