Física, Conferences and seminars in Portugal

Conferences and seminars Física Portugal (Total 7, Página 1 / 1)

Popular locations in this country : Lisbon 19 Porto 4 Albufeira, lgarve Region 3 Funchal, Madeira Island 3 Lisbon, Portugal 2 Leiria 2 Aveiro, Aveiro University 1 Porto – hybrid 1 Ponta Delgada 1 Covilhã 1

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Tribology 2025 — Tribology International Conference 2025

Albufeira, lgarve Region, Portugal
Física Applied Physics: Mechanics, Rheology and Tribology

13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology

Porto – hybrid, Portugal
Física 0

My Favourite Dark Matter Model

Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Física 0

ICA 2028 — 26th International Congress on Acoustics

Funchal, Portugal
Física Applied Physics: Acoustics, Noise and Vibration


Applied Physics; Astronomy; Astrophysics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Biophysics; Chaos and Self-Organisation; Clusters; Complex Systems; Computational Physics; Condensed Matter; Cosmology; Crystallography; Electromagnetic Waves; Electrostatics; Environmental Physics; Fluid Dynamics; Gas-discharge Physics; Graphene and Fullerenes; High Energy Physics; Low Temperature Physics; Magnetic Materials; Magnetism; Mathematical Physics; Medical Physics; Metrology and Instrumentation; Microscopy; Nanomaterials; Neutron Scattering; Nuclear Physics; Optics and Lasers; Particle Accelerators; Particles and Fields; Physics; Plasma; Quantum Information Theory; Quantum Mechanics; Radiation Protection; Semiconductors; Statistical Physics; Synchrotron Radiation; Thermodynamics; X-rays;

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