Institution: Lancaster University
Reino Unido
Retrieved : 2024-05-11
Description :

We are seeking applications for a 1-year Research Associate post to work within the Department of Mathematics at Lancaster University, as a part of the EPSRC grant "Frontiers in Symplectic Topology".

This grant focuses on the interface between symplectic topology, algebraic geometry and low-dimensional topology. The Principal Investigators on the grant are Jonny Evans (Lancaster) and YankI Lekili (Imperial College London). This particular postdoc position will be based in Lancaster.

Your role would be to work, both independently and collaboratively with the PIs and other postdocs on the grant, on research problems in these areas, publishing your results and presenting at conferences.

You should have completed, or be close to completing a PhD in symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, low-dimensional topology, or a closely related discipline. You should have a good record of research, preferably available on the arXiv, and be able to demonstrate that you have a clear research agenda of your own which ties in with that of the grant.

The position is available from July 1st 2024 or as soon thereafter as is convenient, and will run for 20 months. Interviews will be carried out shortly after the closing date.

We welcome applications from people in all diversity groups.

Interested candidates are advised to contact Dr Jonny Evans ( if they have any queries about the position.

Closing Date: 12 Jun 2024

Department: Research

Salary: £38,205 to £44,263 (Full time, indefinite with end date contract)

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